How can Sugar affect my Teeth?

Everyone knows that sugar can have a negative effect on your health. It not only effects your teeth but can also effect other parts of your body in a negative way. What is Sugar? Sugar is a sweet, crystallised substance which is obtained from various plants, most...

Visit Our Hygienist

Taking care of your teeth is very important, and it s not only the dentist who can help you maintain the health of your teeth and gums. A dental Hygienist is also important in your on going oral care. Read on to find out why. What is a Hygienist? A Dental Hygienist is...

Caring for your Tongue.

It is not just your teeth that you need to worry about in your mouth. Your tongue, if not cared for, can harbour bacteria and cause bad breath. Information about the Tongue: Your tongue is a muscle in the mouth which performs a number of functions. It has a rough...

How does Smoking affect your Oral Health?

One of the main things that can affect the health of your mouth quite drastically is Smoking. If you choose to Smoke you are putting yourself at risk from numerous problems which could otherwise be avoided. Problems caused by Smoking: Smoking can lead to problems with...

Ask about Preventative Dental Care

And Avoiding the need for Dental Implants in Kent While it is true that Parrock Street is a major provider of dental implants in Kent, our services are far more wide ranging, and one thing we are particularly hot on is preventative dental care. Although we can restore...

Flossing and orthodontics

Flossing is an important part of proper dental hygiene habits. Gum disease starts between the teeth and along the gum line, places where a normal toothbrush simply cannot reach. Floss is an effective tool for preventing the build-up of plaque, but this is only true if...

Prevent disease with straighter teeth

A large percentage of common dental diseases are caused by a lack of proper dental care. In addition to regular dental checkups, the best way to avoid these kinds of dental problems is through good oral maintenance habits and with healthy eating habits. Avoiding...

Choosing the right kind of dental floss

Looking for an Orthodontist in Kent? You may want to consider a Cosmetic Orthodontic Dentist instead. Everyone knows that daily flossing is important for proper dental care. Flossing helps to remove food particles that are lodged between the teeth, which helps to...

Dealing with sensitive teeth

Many people deal with sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity is usually caused by a loss of the enamel, or the protective hard coating of the teeth. The loss if the tooth’s enamel allows its inner parts to become exposed to the outside world. This means that the tooth’s...

Common Causes of Halitosis

Looking for an Orthodontist in Kent? You may want to consider a Cosmetic Orthodontic Dentist instead. Halitosis is simply a term for constant bad breath. Everyone experiences bad breath at one point or another. Most people have bad breath in the mornings, because...

Brushing Infant’s Teeth

Are you looking for a dentist in Kent for children? According to studies performed by paediatric dentists tooth decay problems are the most common chronic disease to affect children. Even very young infants should receive proper dental care to help prevent developing...

Oral Mouth Cancer Screening

Cancer screening is a very important part of a general dental examination. Dentists not only check the health and vitality of teeth and gums but they also check the health of the whole mouth, ie, cheeks, tongue, roof and floor of mouth. Therefore it is very important...